Managed Services

IT managed services in Tennessee are more essential than ever for businesses of all sizes and types.

As the rate of emerging technology only accelerates, staying on top of the constantly changing practices, software, costs, and security factors involved with your systems, cloud storage, and cybersecurity grow exponentially. You need an ongoing partner who can keep you locked into the latest best practices for cloud technology in Tennessee while keeping your costs down along the way.

At Magnum Computer Services, we offer IT managed services in Tennessee for a range of clients across multiple industries. We specialize in taking the time to understand your unique needs, then consistently delivering superior service and results at a price that suits your company's bottom line.

Whether you're a small or medium sized business in Tennessee in need of IT managed services, Magnum Computer Services can help you. Reach out today to learn more.

As businesses become more IT-dependent and their infrastructure grows and becomes more complex, the task of overseeing, adapting and managing their technology to meet the growing needs of their business also becomes more complex. Whether you handle your own networks or have dedicated staff on your payroll, Magnum Computer Services offers a special package of services designed to help keep your systems up and running efficiently, cost-effectively, and at maximum performance.

With Managed Services, you’ll enjoy:

• 24/7 Monitoring
• 27/7 Managed Anti-Virus
• Patch Management
• Less downtime
• Increased network reliability and availability
• Faster, more efficient Servers and computers
• Improved service response
• Decreased technology cost
• Peace of mind
• And more!

What are Managed Services?

Managed Services is the highest level of support offered in the technology industry today. Magnum Computer Services utilizes state-of-the-art software and hardware tools to manage your company’s IT network 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our Network Operations Center (NOC) will monitor your systems night and day to make sure you stay up and running properly and efficiently. With our Managed Services solution, we are often able to resolve minor issues before they become large problems that lead to network downtime. This saves you time and money and increases the efficiency and productivity of your organization.

How does it work?

MCS uses management probes to constantly monitor your Servers, Firewalls, Routers, Ethernet Switches, and other key components on your network. If a problem is detected, the probes alert our NOC immediately and our trained staff at our Helpdesk can respond within minutes. This means we can go to work immediately to avert any snag, slowdown or shutdown that can cost you valuable time and resources. Often times Magnum Computer Services can facilitate the repairs remotely, providing a faster mean-time to resolution and less inconvenience to you or your staff.

How can it benefit me?

There are multiple benefits to utilizing Managed Services. Number one on the list is cost savings. This service keeps your network operating at full efficiency at all times, which means your company is doing the same – no expensive downtime or delays. You will also spend less through this program to keep your infrastructure running smoothly than you would to bring in outside experts to do expensive consulting or repairs. There is also peace of mind, knowing you are in control of your technology and not vice-versa. Your assets, your records and your valuable data are protected. Your Magnum Computer Services experts have your IT future well in hand with latest in cutting edge Network Monitoring and Preventive Maintenance solutions. You can focus on making your business work, because Magnum Computer Services is focused on making your technology work.
If you have an IT staff in place, Manages Services is an additional level of security designed to enhance, not replace, what your IT personnel are doing.

Here are some of the benefits of Managed Services:

• Provides administrators with real-time status information on any polled device
• Automates system administration processes
• Proactively monitors your system resources
• Helps to Identify problem areas or equipment within your infrastructure
• Provides rapid problem isolation and resolution
• Supports long-term planning by identifying and reporting patterns of activity and trends
• Establishes predefined parameters to alert the system administrator of unusual activities
• Ensures against loss of mission-critical resources

What types of services are included in a Managed Services bundle?

A Managed Services bundle includes everything needed to better manage and monitor your network, reduce your risk, protect your data and enhance the technology of your business.

Typical services include:

• Network Management with 24/7 monitoring
• Server Administration
• Network Security Analysis and Verification
• Data backup planning and monitoring
• Monthly preventive maintenance
• Quarterly availability reporting
• Higher priority in our service queue
• Guaranteed response times
• Automated Offsite Backup Solutions (Optional)

To talk to MCS about taking your IT network to another level with Managed Services, call (615) 596-0667 today or e-mail us at